Enjoy living in such a lovely area? Frustrated to see more litter along our roads? Ready to use your daily exercise to
improve our village? Join our Headley Spring Clean Campaign!
Since Covid-19, Headley Parish Council has been unable to organise our regular community litter-picks due to social distancing requirements. However, we have now agreed that Mole Valley will pick up litter bags from 3 collection points in the village every Monday morning. This means you can go out in ones and twos when it’s convenient for
you and help spruce up Headley. But above all, remember to take care if you’re walking along our narrow roads!
The first collections will be on Monday 1st March.
If you want to join in, please contact David Preedy on 07904 127091 or email chair@headley-pc.gov.uk
The Parish Council is arranging for supplies of litter-picking equipment and will provide details of the collection points, as well as advice to help you keep safe.