
Headley Common Road, Headley – One-Way and Prohibition of Entry

It is proposed to re-align the Headley Common Road junction with Dorking Road / Pebble Hill Road in Tadworth to allow improved visibility for right turning drivers exiting Headley Common Road wishing to travel towards the A25. As part of the re-alignment, the junction configuration will be altered and Headley Common Road drivers will be guided to turn right and left from a conventional central T-junction location. This removes the existing two locations within the junction where Headley Common Road drivers are able to enter Dorking Road and Pebble Hill Road. The existing southern Headley Common Road access gives right turning drivers limited forward visibility of northbound Pebble Hill Road vehicles.

Surrey County Council engineers have raised concerns about the sightlines and casualty record at this site over a number of years. The site has been allocated funding to re-align the junction and a No Entry is required as part of the design to deter Headley Common Road drivers from entering the exiting access (which remains open for Pebble Hill Road drivers to turn left to enter Headley Common Road).

If you would like to object, support, or comment on the proposal, please use the Online Survey linked at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, write to:

Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ

by 1st December 2022.