
Statement from Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council

“I would like to wish all Mole Valley residents a Happy New Year. We are less than two weeks into January, and there is already much happening.

Earlier this week, I joined other council leaders and Chief Executives from the other ten district and borough councils in a meeting with Surrey County Council’s (SCC) Leader. The meeting focused on SCC’s proposals for creating one or more unitary authorities in Surrey in the coming years. This follows the publication of the government’s devolution white paper in December. SCC has confirmed they will submit an expression of interest to the government to be included in the accelerated programme for local government restructuring, with full restructure plans required by May 2025. They are also requesting the Minister of State for Local Government and Devolution to postpone Surrey’s county council elections, currently scheduled for May 2025. Together with other council leaders, I have expressed opposition to the cancellation of the elections and concern about the proposals and timelines in a joint statement. Proposed changes require broader consultation with residents, stakeholders, and businesses across the county.

“Following the positive news about a Banking Hub coming to Dorking, with a temporary site to be confirmed soon and a permanent site to follow, we have appealed LINK’s decision not to recommend a Banking Hub for Leatherhead. The appeal highlights errors in population data and retail data omissions, which undermine the assessment’s reliability and fail to reflect Leatherhead’s needs. We have urged LINK to re-evaluate its findings and address these inconsistencies, as we strongly believe Leatherhead should also be eligible for a Banking Hub. Meanwhile, Cash Access UK will hold a drop-in event at the Christian Centre in Dorking on 14 February, 10am to 1pm, for residents to learn more about the services that will be available at Dorking’s Banking Hub.

“It was very encouraging to see that Mole Valley placed just outside the top 10 places to live in the country. Using data on crime, school ratings, NHS waiting lists, the number of listed buildings and Green Flag park awards, the new list published by The Times ranked Mole Valley 13th, the highest in Surrey and ahead of most areas in the South East. As someone who lives in the district myself, this highly prestigious recognition confirms what I already know. Everyone living in Mole Valley should be very proud of their local communities, not only because of the categories quite rightly highlighted by The Times, but also the rural nature of the district and its accessible transport links to London and across the south.

“Progress continues to be made on our Transform Leatherhead programme, specifically the regeneration and enhancement of the riverside area. It was announced before Christmas that McCarthy Stone, the preferred partner for regeneration of Claire House and James House, submitted a planning application for 37 residential units, a ground floor café and community space on the site. To provide a wider picture on all the key Transform Leatherhead projects, including the regeneration of the Swan Centre and Bull Hill, we are working towards putting on an in-person forum at Leatherhead Theatre on 12 February. You can find the latest details on our website WHAT’S ON.

“Following the adoption on the MVDC Local Plan, we’re inviting public views on three draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs): the Draft Affordable Housing SPD, the Draft Planning Obligations SPD, and the Draft Design Guidance for House Extensions SPD. These documents, which cover the whole of Mole Valley, provide detailed guidance on affordable housing delivery, planning obligations, and house extension design. The consultation period runs from next Monday until Friday 28 February 2025 at 5pm. Residents will be able to view the consultation documents online, as well as access printed versions in Ashtead, Bookham, Dorking and Leatherhead Libraries in addition to Beare Green Village Hall. Please submit comments to or post: Planning Policy, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1SJ. For more information, visit our Planning Consultations web page from Monday 13 January.

“Finally, residents can take real Christmas trees that have been stripped of their decorations for safe disposal at these car parks: Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Lower Road (Bookham), Ockley Village Hall or Reigate Road (Dorking) until Monday 20 January. The trees can also be taken to the Community Recycling Centres in Dorking and Leatherhead. Alternatively, if you have a garden waste bin, you can chop the tree up so that it fits in your bin and allows the lid to close.”