
Waste collections

Please note that all the Surrey CC Community recycling Centres are closed.

Mole Valley DC reports that household waste collection is still running close to the normal schedule.  However they are not in a position to collect large volumes of “side-waste” on top of the normal bin allowance.

It seems that several people have been taking advantage of the lockdown to do a clear out. But residents are advised that large accumulations of waste will not be collected, so you will have to store them locally until there is more capacity in the system.

Also at the request of a local resident, special thanks have been passed on to the refuse collectors by the Mole Valley Chief Executive.  Your support was greatly appreciated!

Please note the Surrey CC helpline on 0300 200 1008 for anybody who really needs help and is unable to rely on family and friends.

Please keep yourself safe and look out for vulnerable neighbours who may need help.