Mole Valley District Council has agreed to publish a draft Local Plan for public consultation from 3 February to 23 March 2020.
Following discussion at an extraordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 28 January 2020, the Cabinet agreed to publish a draft Local Plan for public consultation. The draft Local Plan, Future Mole Valley, sets out how development in Mole Valley will be planned over the next 15 years and identifies locations for new homes and other development, whilst continuing to protect the countryside.
The consultation will be widely publicised over the seven week period and Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) is encouraging everyone with an interest in the district to take part and have their say on the locations identified for development and the planning policies proposed.
The draft Local Plan and supporting evidence documents will be available to view online at here and in hard copy at MVDC’s offices in Dorking, the HelpShop in Leatherhead and libraries in the district. The consultation will be available by visiting the same website. For more information, please email or call 01306 885001.